To support our research, may we log the sites you query and the queries you make? We will not report your identity or store any other information about you. More details.
Follow these steps to add your API to ScrAPIr
Informaiton required for each step can be found in the API documentation web page. Only Supports GET Request.
Step by step demo1. API URL*
API Name
Request Parameters (please add at
least the required parameter(s))
Enter the request parameters in the table below, or upload the OpenAPI specification if you have it.
Name* | Value* | Allowed Values | Displayed Name | Description | Type | Required | Displayed | |
Authentication and Header (some
APIs require authentication and\or header)
Supported authentication methods are: HTTP authentication (Basic, Bearer, etc), API key as a header or query parameter.
Header parameters:
Add a Header4.
Response Fields (choose the
response fields you are interested in)